Meet our team!

Camp Elite

Preparing the Youth for the Future


How We Can Help

Developing Your Path to Greatness

At the Dream Center, we bring over 27 years of professional experience to serving communities through high-quality, personalized treatment services for individuals, families, groups, and couples. Our goal is to empower people to become self-sufficient and actively contribute to their communities. Our dedicated staff focuses on building solid relationships by respecting, accepting, and celebrating differences. We prioritize effective listening, authenticity, and empathy, all while fostering healthy decision-making skills that contribute to a healthier family dynamic. Join us at the Dream Center and start your path to greatness.

Mission Statement

The Dream Center provides individualized treatment, mentoring, and support services to children, young adults, and families. Our programs are designed to empower clients, helping them develop healthy decision-making skills that support their growth and well-being.



Program Goals

At Dream Center, our mission is to Educate, Lead, Inspire, Transform, and Elevate our clients. We equip them with the skills needed for productive and successful lives, preparing and empowering them to be self-sufficient and active in their communities. Our primary objective is to help each client—children and adults alike—reach their full potential. We are dedicated to providing high-quality care and clinical services, supporting our clients on their transformative paths to treatment and recovery.

At the Dream Center, we adopt a holistic approach to treatment, considering each client’s behavioral health needs, physical health, and community support requirements. We actively work to understand and address the daily challenges our clients face, involving their families and the community in the treatment process. This inclusive approach ensures that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, receives the support they need to succeed, making them feel valued and heard.






Camp Elite

1106 N. Arizona Ave

Chandler, AZ 85225


Need additional assistance? Please contact us:



We are open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Antoinette M. Wells, CEO